

Setting a Powerful Example
at the Top

The most successful and effective leaders- whether they were running Fortune 100 companies, running local or national governments, or running up and down a field as a professional athlete- didn’t get to where they are today, alone. Even those of us who are fiercely independent and driven need an ally, need accountability, and need support to make our biggest goals a reality.

Are you a partner who is ready to step into your next level?

Do you have partners who need to fine-tune their leadership skills to reach their full potential?

Our partner development program is perfect for both new and experienced partners who want to improve their leadership, implement changes, and grow their firm.

Here are some popular ways that we work with Partners:

  • Developing or reinventing your firm identity and vision
  • Becoming a rainmaker partner
  • Transitioning into your role as Partner or Managing Partner
  • Improving Firm Management and Strategy
  • Developing new levels of leadership skills
  • Bringing rigor and accountability to your goals
  • Building a strong partner group

You can also hire Erin to facilitate your next partner retreat or annual kick-off meeting.