Stop Trying to Manage your Time
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about managing your time lately. It tends to become a big topic of conversation when the deadlines approach. But if you’re like many busy professionals, you have probably tried several “time management” techniques that work for a little while but aren’t sustainable. You are constantly on the rollercoaster of…
Read MoreWell-Being: Your Busy Season Survival Guide
Busy season is in full swing for most accountants this time of year, and if you’re one of the lucky ones who isn’t working crazy hours to meet deadlines, this will be helpful information for you, nevertheless. One of the comments I hear most often this time of year is “I just need to survive…
Read MoreMy Clients’ Biggest Studying Regret
After one of my CPA exam clients sits for a section of the exam, we do a detailed debrief call to hash out how their exam went. I obviously love to hear how they felt about the exam and gauge their confidence level, but that’s not what I’m really after. I really want to know…
Read MoreBuilding Post-Busy Season Momentum
Ahh. Finally- a much-needed break after several months of what seems like ‘round the clockwork. This is the time that most accountants and firms are taking a break, slowing down, taking their foot off the gas. Don’t get me wrong- everyone needs some R&R after busy season, but don’t let the vacation last too long…
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