Ready for the next level?

Choose the option that fits you best below.


360 Leadership Circle

Transform your leadership with this key assessment. Do you know you need to become a better leader, but don’t know exactly what that means, how to measure it or how to do it? Have you been thinking about improving your leadership skills, but don’t know where to start? The Leadership Circle is the tool you’ve been looking for.


Coaching for High Performance

Are you ready to earn that big promotion? Do you have your sights set on being a partner, but need to master a few key skills to get there? Do you want to grow your firm or learn how to become a rainmaker? Have you reached a turning point in your career and know it’s time to define your next move? If you answered yes to any of the above, high-performance coaching is for you.


Partner Development

The most successful and effective leaders- whether they were running Fortune 100 companies, running local or national governments, or running up and down a field as a professional athlete- didn’t get to where they are today, alone. Even those of us who are fiercely independent and driven need an ally, need accountability, and need support to make our biggest goals a reality.