CPA MYTHS SERIES: 4 Risks of Over-Relying on MCQs
Welcome to our CPA Exam Myths blog series. In my work with CPA candidates over the years, I have heard tons of unique ideas about how to approach the CPA exam. Most of these ideas are intended to act as shortcuts to success. Most, too, are veiled in this idea that it’s the “best” way…
Read MoreThe Power of Believing You Can Pass the CPA Exam
“Why is the CPA exam so hard?” I hear this question often from CPA candidates who are struggling to pass the exam. While the challenges that face candidates are widespread and different for everyone, there is one key skill that separates successful candidates from those who struggle- mental toughness. You might be surprised that I…
Read MoreHow to Get Motivated for the CPA Exam
Motivation, or lack-thereof, is one of the most common challenges that candidates face. It’s also the one that most people don’t talk about. No one likes to admit that they aren’t motivated to take the next step in their careers, or that they just don’t feel like studying all the time. They definitely don’t want…
Read MoreCPA Exam: How to Take Advantage of Continuous Testing
ICYMI, just a few weeks ago NASBA approved a change in the CPA Exam testing approach that would eliminate exam testing windows. This proposal has been in the works for years, and finally it is upon us! Great news for CPA candidates all around. So, what does this mean for you and how can you…
Read MoreA Fresh Start: Reflecting on Pandemic Learning Opportunities
As frustrating and challenging as the past several months have been, this has also provided a unique business opportunity and environment for growth that firms should be taking advantage of. Very few organizations have ever or will ever have another opportunity like this to hit the reset button. Pause, reflect and evaluate what you want…
Read MoreThree Ways to Raise Your Score on the CPA Exam
We’re just going to cut to the chase here, you want to raise your CPA exam scores and we have 3 things you can do while you prepare for the exam that will help raise your scores on exam day. Plan Your studying Our goal is to raise your score, i.e. earn more points on…
Read More6 Ways to Improve as a Virtual Leader
For many of us, we may not have imagined ourselves as virtual leaders when we entered the accounting field. But in the last few weeks, circumstances have called on us to make changes quickly and rise to the challenge. So, while you’re personally adjusting to WFH life and dealing with the impact of cancelled plans…
Read MoreStop Trying to Manage your Time
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about managing your time lately. It tends to become a big topic of conversation when the deadlines approach. But if you’re like many busy professionals, you have probably tried several “time management” techniques that work for a little while but aren’t sustainable. You are constantly on the rollercoaster of…
Read MoreWell-Being: Your Busy Season Survival Guide
Busy season is in full swing for most accountants this time of year, and if you’re one of the lucky ones who isn’t working crazy hours to meet deadlines, this will be helpful information for you, nevertheless. One of the comments I hear most often this time of year is “I just need to survive…
Read MoreAccountant vs CPA: Is There a Difference?
We’re just wrapping up a busy recruiting season full of student events. Having attended 4 meet the firms events at local universities, and just returning from the IMA’s student Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC, I’ve been fielding questions about the CPA exam left and right. One of the common questions I’ve been getting from students…
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